- 0
На сей раз я нашел интересное решение для ссылок в текстовом потоке. Эти привязки несколько ограничены, потому что они окружены другим текстом, и таким образом, мы не можем использовать эффекты из-за ограниченного окружающего пространства. Но есть некоторые интересные вещи, которые мы можем сделать .
Итак приступим
1.Скачать исходник Вы не можете скачивать файлы с нашего сайта ,рекомендуем Вам зарегистрироваться либо войти на сайт под своим именем.
2.Вот все варианты ссылок с классами в демо они идут в том же порядке
<section class="link-fadeinbg">
<p>It had been my luck to live en famille with some <a href="#">herder</a> Lapps once before in <a href="#">North-Western Norway</a>. I had some elk shooting and some fishing up there, and I came across the tribe one <a href="#">day poaching</a> red char from one of my own hired lakes.</p>
<section class="link-slideup">
<p>When we actually did get under weigh, our outfit consisted of one inferior <a href="#">double-barrelled</a> 12-bore shot-gun by an anonymous maker, one good Marlin ’45 repeating <a href="#">rifle</a> carrying a long bullet, a small assortment of tinned foods and loaded <a href="#">cartridges</a>...</p>
<section class="link-slideright">
<p>It was these photographs which suggested going to see the Lapp in his own domains. The <a href="#">map</a> showed the position of <a href="#">Lapland</a> in large letters, and for the sake of definiteness we made up our minds to cross it from <a href="#">north</a> to south...</p>
<section class="link-scaleup">
<p>Drawing from our own ignorance, and from the united ignorance of <a href="#">others</a> (most freely and generously bestowed), we mapped out the details of the <a href="#">campaign</a> with glibness and ease. At <a href="#">Vardö</a> we were to purchase furs to wear and horses to ride.</p>
<section class="link-scaleupbounce">
<p>It is not to be denied, though, that the Novaya Zemblya <a href="#">scheme</a> had its seductions. There was in Vardö harbour a weird, clumsy craft of the type <a href="#">locally</a> known as “yot,” which had <a href="#">visited</a> that island many times with a crew of hunters. </p>
<section class="link-scaledown">
<p>As regards the commissariat, that we decided would be simple also. Reindeer meat, <a href="#">salmon</a>, rye bread, milk, cheese, and butter would be always procurable from the natives. And besides, we should <a href="#">shoot</a> far <a href="#">more game</a> than we could possibly use for the pot.</p>
<section class="link-flip">
<p>The few tins of <a href="#">provisions</a> we did take were mainly to serve as luxuries. For instance, we had quite a large <a href="#">supply</a> of foie gras and larks in aspic.</p>
<p>I had a vivid recollection of how the last tin of that <a href="#">pâté de foie gras</a> went.</p>
<section class="link-border">
<p>With these hints, then, at our initial <a href="#">ignorance</a> of what lay beyond, let me pass on to Vardö, which was the real starting-point of both our plans and our journey. The <a href="#">Windward</a> made an easy <a href="#">voyage</a> of it on the whole up to there, and although she carried away her main-topsail yard...</p>
<section class="link-skewed">
<p>Inside Vardö harbour walls, then, to a mooring we came, and the <a href="#">smells</a> of the place closed round us and took possession. Bobbling about on the <a href="#">harbour</a> swell around us were some two hundred vessels of strange <a href="#">Northern</a> rig, and almost all connected with the trade in fish. </p>
<section class="link-textupline">
<p>In the <a href="#">harbour</a>, steamers from France, and <a href="#">Hamburg</a>, and lower Norway, load bales of the dried cod, which will carry the <a href="#">aroma</a> of Vardö as far as Bremen, Brest, and St. Petersburg.</p>
<section class="link-tipoverlay">
<p>Once the town was a strong place, but the star-shaped fort, which was built in 1735, is to-day obsolete, though <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Field_gun">field-guns</a> and some breech-loaders on slides still grin through the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrasure">embrasures</a>, ...</p>
<section class="link-arrow">
<p>There are other towns of <a href="#">Norway</a> given up to the cult of the cod, but nowhere is it so entirely the one staple of commerce as in this ancient <a href="#">settlement</a> so far within the <a href="#">Arctic Circle</a>. The tail of the Gulf Stream keeps its climate equable.</p>
<section class="link-curtain">
<p>But the <a href="#">summer</a> is the time when <a href="#">commerce</a> bristles. It is then that the larger merchants toil to make their wealth; and when the lamps begin to kindle in the windows, they take the mail <a href="#">steamers</a> and go away to follow the retiring sun.</p>
<section class="link-braces">
<p>Now <a href="#">Vardö</a> was not what we had come so far to see, or smell. We wanted to get started on our travel in <a href="#">Arctic Lapland</a> as quickly as might be; and as soon as the whale-boat had set us ashore amongst the <a href="#">fish litter</a> on one of the wharves, ...</p>
<section class="link-textfall">
<p>In the first instance the <a href="#" data-dummy="horse-bubble">horse-bubble</a> was pricked once and for all. Lapland, it appeared, was largely made up of <a href="#" data-dummy="swamps">swamps</a> and lakes and rivers, and we were gravely informed that the horse was not a <a href="#" data-dummy="navigable animal">navigable animal</a>.</p>
<section class="link-svgline">
<p>The men of the town, and the women, gut the fish, and leave the <a href="#">entrails<svg class="link-svgline"><use xlink:href="#svg_line"></svg></a> to rot in the streets, or under the wharfs, or in the harbour water; and then the <a href="#">carcasses<svg class="link-svgline"><use xlink:href="#svg_line"></svg></a> are carried to the outskirts and <a href="#">other things<svg class="link-svgline"><use xlink:href="#svg_line"></svg></a> of the town, and hung on endless racks of wood to shrivel, ...</p>
<section class="link-svgmarker">
<p>In winter, when the <a href="#">snow crust<svg class="link-svgline"><use xlink:href="#svg_marker"></svg></a> hardened, and the rivers and the lakes wereroofed with massive ice, then movement about the country was a <a href="#">comparatively<svg class="link-svgline"><use xlink:href="#svg_marker"></svg></a> easy thing. There were recognised routes, and the <a href="#">traveller<svg class="link-svgline"><use xlink:href="#svg_marker"></a> could pack himself into one of the boat-like, ...</p>
<section class="link-textupline">
<p>Excerpts from <a href="#">Through Arctic Lapland</a> by Charles John Cutcliffe Wright Hyne</p>
2. Ну и стили
вот это обязательно для всех вариантов
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transition-delay: 0.15s;
5.Если не понятно спрашивайте в коментариях
Можешь почитать и вот эту статейку "Смена цифр на JavaScript"
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Мы рекомендуем Вам зарегистрироваться либо войти на сайт под своим именем.